Part 3 | False Allegations of Domestic Violence
False allegations of domestic violence
Part 1: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 2: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 3: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 4: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 5: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 6: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Please feel free to review my previous discussions about domestic violence. They can be found by clicking the links above.
Many cases dealing with domestic violence can result in delays of weeks and or even months. During this time the individual charged must continue to go about their daily routine despite the immense stress and emotional turmoil of criminal proceedings lingering. Some men resort to having to sleep on a friends’ couch others might rely on their siblings or parents. The inability to be in their own home presents various challenges.
Many of these men are reluctant to speak about the allegations as they are embarrassed and worse concerned with whether or not anyone will believe they didn’t do it.
Often, these men must continue to meet their financial obligations despite the fact they are not permitted near the home.
Exhausted and emotionally broken sometimes these men become more prone to potentially abusing drugs or alcohol.
Their strict bail conditions bar them from communicating directly or indirectly with their partner who is the accuser.
This is where many men end up making a common mistake. Either they reach out to their partner or their partner reaches out to them. In many situations I find the accuser is the one who reaches out to the man who is criminally charged. She might complain about needing more money or groceries. It is also not uncommon for the accuser to apologize for making the call to the police and finally asking that he return home.
Emotionally broken and often facing crippling financial costs many of these men decide to give their relationship or marriage another try. This can go well for the first little while. However, in my experience I find this often leads to catastrophic consequences.
I will speak more about these catastrophic consequences in a subsequent blog post.

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