False allegations of domestic violence | Part 2
False allegations of domestic violence
Please see my series below on domestic violence:
Part 1: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 2: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 3: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 4: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 5: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
Part 6: False Allegations of Domestic Violence
In my experience many men who are wrongfully accused of domestic violence have never had any prior dealing with the police. This is why they are so scared and concerned on being arrested. These men often end up having to spend a night in jail until they are bailed out.
Even securing bail is a daunting task since they need to call close friends or relatives. This is no easy task. That family member or friend will have to attend at court the next morning and act as a surety.
The process of being arrested in their home with their neighbours watching, being in jail and having to wait for bail often emotionally crumbles these men.
However, this is just the start of what could be a lengthy process.
Since many of these men are not allowed to go near their home to collect their belongings they will often have to secure the assistance again of friends or family members. Often in many situations their partner who continues to reside in the home will attempt to obstruct this process. Whether this is by changing the locks, not responding to entry requests or just blatantly denying access.
If access is allowed the individual must collect their belongings under time constraints and pressure.
If you have been wrongfully charged with domestic violence call me:
Rehan Khalil Lawyer
I am located at: 901 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario

anytime for a free consultation