What should I know about a Will in Ontario?

What should I know about a Will in Ontario?

Below is a great informational video by the Law Society of Upper Canada about Wills in Ontario and the role of the Wills and Estates Lawyer.

The video is entitled Your Law: Wills and Estates

If you have additional questions about Wills and Estates and you live in Burlington, Oakville, Milton or Hamilton then contact my law office in Burlington.

I need to contact a Wills Lawyer in Burlington

Feel free to text or call 416-505-4901 or dial toll free: 1-800-939-9211

My office is located at 901 Guelph Line, Burlington and is right next to the QEW and parking is free.

Rehan Khalil
call or sms me (416) 505-4901
anytime for a free consultation