Accidents In The Summer

Accidents and injuries can happen at any time. Warm weather means more parties, where people are often drinking. The Toronto Star reported today, Summer, kids and the parties on the beach, and described a tragic accident involving a 17 year old who was involved in a motor vehicle accident, when he was struck by a bus and killed.

Aside, from motor vehicle accidents many other issues can arise when young people decide to engage in unsupervised partying. Fights can break out, slip and falls can occur and other accidents.

If you`re a parent ensure your teenager is aware of the dangers of unsupervised partying. If they become hurt on the property of someone else, that individual can be liable according to Ontario law.

If you or a loved one has become injured by either a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, assault and battery call the law office of Rehan Khalil, a Mississauga lawyer.

Rehan Khalil
call or sms me (416) 505-4901
anytime for a free consultation