Canada Consumer Product Safety Act

Continuing with yesterdays discussion about product safety legislation, Health Canada issued a press release suggesting that Bill C-6, Canada Consumer Product Safety Act has been held up in the Senate.

Apparently, on “December 2, 2009, the Senate Social Affairs, Science and Technology committee made a number of amendments which render the Bill dysfunctional.”

The Canadian Health Minister stated:

"A handful of opposition Senators are trying to water down the proposed Act and consequently add extra steps in the process, slowing matters down needlessly," said Minister Aglukkaq. "The amendments made to the Bill do nothing to improve the health and safety of Canadians. They do, however, considerably weaken the bill by putting the interest of industry ahead of the health and safety of Canadians."

It’s extremely unfortunate that such an important Bill designed to protect Canadians is being heldup.

Rehan Khalil
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