G20 Class Action

The Toronto Star reported today that a twenty year old woman has filed a class action lawsuit against the police related to the G20.

A class action lawsuit is where one Plaintiff is named in the suit and acts as a representative for numerous others. In this case, the Star has reported that there are approximately 800 other individuals in the class action suit.

This lawsuit comes as no surprise given the chaos and controversy surrounding the G20 security structure. The actions of police officers and the special powers given to them during the G20 will be a main point of interest in the lawsuit.

Every year many individuals who have been wrongfully arrested or detained start civil actions against law enforcement agencies. A personal injury lawyer is the most qualified type of lawyer to handle wrongful arrest lawsuits.

If you require legal help in regards to a wrongful arrest, call the law office of Rehan Khalil today, a lawyer in Mississauga.

Rehan Khalil
call or sms me (416) 505-4901
anytime for a free consultation