Richardson Brain Injured

Many are already aware that actress Natasha Richardson was seriously injured in a skiing accident in Canada. Today, CNN reported some interesting findings about brain injuries:

A blow to the head that at first seems minor and does not result in immediate pain or other symptoms can in fact turn out to be a life-threatening brain injury, experts tell CNN.

Immediate treatment is essential after a brain injury because damage caused by swelling is often irreversible.

It''s very common for someone who''s had a fall or been in a car accident to appear perfectly lucid just after the impact but then to suddenly, rapidly deteriorate, Dr. Carmelo Graffagnino, director of Duke University Medical Center's Neurosciences Critical Care Unit, told CNN.

The article refers to this as epidural hemorrhage.

Early investigations are key as the article states:

If an individual isn't medically evaluated after a car accident, sports injury, or just a slip in the driveway, recognizing the signs brain injury early is critical.

Therefore, it’s crucial that accident victims seek medical assistance immediately. Moreover, additional investigations should be pursued.

Rehan Khalil
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