The Employment Contract

The Employment Contract

If you have been terminated or wrongfully dismissed the first question an employment lawyer typically asks is whether or not there was an employment contract.

If you`re an employer and looking to terminate an employee again the first question an employment lawyer will ask is whether or not there was an employment contract.

It never ceases to me amaze me that so many employers still don`t have an employment contract with their employees.

If you`re an employer and don`t have an employment contract in place you could be exposing yourself to legal liability. In addition, you will have a weak legal position if a dispute arises.

If you`re an employee without an employment contract you might be unaware of you’re legal rights.

It`s important to speak with an employment lawyer.

Call Rehan Khalil a lawyer in Mississauga

Rehan Khalil
call or sms me (416) 505-4901
anytime for a free consultation