Triclosan: Watch Out For Anti-Bacterial Products

If you haven’t heard of Triclosan, think again. You probably use products that contain it every day. Triclosan is the main ingredient for anti-bacterial products such as, soaps and other products such as, ”Colgate Total, Old Spice High Endurance Stick Deodorant, Aveeno Therapeutic Shave Gel and J Cloth towels” and even garden hoses.

Recently, the Canadian Medical Association lobbied the Canadian federal government to ban anti-bacterial products.

Studies suggest the chemical can have many adverse effects. One, that it kills good bacteria and two, that it can be found in human bodies.

Studies have found traces of the chemical in women’s breast milk and indicators the chemical can stick around for a long time, especially in our drinking water.

The Globe and Mail reported:

According to Mike Layton, program manager with advocacy group Environmental Defence, triclosan can react to chlorine in drinking water and form chloroform, which is a carcinogen. And when triclosan reacts with light, it can actually form poisonous dioxins, he says.

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Rehan Khalil
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