What is a Discovery?
Examination for Discovery
In a civil lawsuit a Discovery is a mandatory process for cases over $100,000. However, Discovery is optional for cases under $100,000.
Prior to a lawsuit parties will often have had some interaction(s) with each other. Whether its over a breach of contract, a car accident or a wills and estate dispute the parties would have known each other through negotiations, emails and or meetings.
However, once civil litigation starts the parties would likely have only communicated through their lawyers. Therefore, Discovery is an opportunity to hear the parties evidence.
How long will the Discovery be?
Civil lawyers will schedule Discovery of all parties. The duration of the Discovery can really depend on the subject matter and complexity of the lawsuit. It an also depend on the individuals themselves and at times even the lawyers.
An experienced lawyer will prepare their client thoroughly, with what to expect and how to respond.
Discovery does not end the lawsuit. Nor does it take place in a courtroom. Subsequently, the process after a Discovery can take many months. Finally, in some situations there can be additional Discoveries of the same parties.
If you are looking for a civil litigation lawyer in Burlington or Oakville call today.
PH: 416-505-4901
Address: 901 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario
Address: 901 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario

anytime for a free consultation