Wrongful termination, fired and depression.
Whether you were on the job for a few days, months or years losing a job is always traumatic and emotionally difficult to deal with.
As an employment lawyer I hear from people everyday from a variety of socio-economic spheres. Whether it’s a general labourer position or a senior management position. The overall impact is the same. I find many during the employment law consultation will mention that this was a complete shock.
Wrongfully dismissed employees feel a great sense of loss, emotional challenges and as if they are failure. More importantly, they are scared. Scared for their future. How will they make ends meet? How long will it take to find a new job? What if they never find a job!
Terminated employees are disappointed with their employer but also disappointed in themselves. Our job is our identity. It won’t come as a shocker that a Barista will not be living in a penthouse suite and driving a Ferrari. Unless, of course they are independently wealthy. Therefore, our job defines us and tells the world who we are. When we meet new people whether it’s a potential partner, friend, networking prospect we often inquire as to what they do for a living.
On immediately doing so, we learn so much about them. We paint a picture in our mind about them on discovering their occupation. Furthermore, if our job is one we are proud of we may tend to wear it as a badge of honor. We may like telling people about what we do for a living. In the alternative, if we don’t like what we do, we may tend to shy away from the question.
The initial shock of being wrongfully terminated from a position can take a few days, weeks or even months. I have spoken to some people who were terminated from their position years ago and it still haunts them.
There is a societal element to being fired, its embarrassing and it immediately makes us vulnerable. Suddenly, we are in the position of a beggar looking for work, pursuing pointless leads, contacting friends and family. Profusely, thanking anyone who is willing to take the time to help us. Grateful for that aunt, uncle or cousin who was willing to put forward our resume to a particular company. Appreciative that our neighbour may decide to have a chat with their manager and put in a good word.
Thus, is the unfortunate reality of being terminated. Don’t fret and don’t give up hope. Consider the tried and tested strategies:
- Don’t be shy reach out for help to anyone;
- Create a network of contacts;
- Let people know you are open to any ideas;
- Attend for personal counselling if possible;
- Remain physically active;
- Don’t sleep in;
- Don’t stay up all night;
- Don’t turn to intoxicants;
- Consider volunteering; and
- Participate in cost effective hobbies.
Of course be grateful to those who are willing to help. You will be surprised how effective networking can be.
Many will often mention that they tried all the solutions above and still didn’t obtain any employment. It’s true, that could be the case. The only option you have is to continue trying. What’s your alternative?
Call our law office today to speak with one of our Burlington Employment Lawyers. We provide employment law services in Halton and Burlington.
PH: 416-505-4901
901 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON

anytime for a free consultation