Are family courts biased towards dads?
Why do father's rarely get custody?
I previously blogged about whether or not family courts discriminate against fathers in my post entitled, Is Family Court Sexist?
I want to address the issues outlined in a 2012 Huffington Post article entitled, Dispelling The Myth Of Gender Bias In The Family Court System.[1] I have noticed that this article has been used as support by independent bloggers and commentators to rebuke the notion that family court may be gender biased.
The author, Cathy Meyer is a Divorce Coach and operates a website called Divorced Moms. A site she describes for mothers to, “connect, communicate, express their passion and thoughts, share experiences and find expert information and advice.” Ms. Meyers provides insight into her own private life, in dealing with her own divorce and how she had to rebuild her life, “in spite of the loss I felt and the adversity that comes along with being tied up in the Family Court System and dealing with an angry ex.” She bases her article on her 10 years of doing work within the industry along with data from a website called A website that is no longer functioning but I will take her word for it. She argues that fathers simply give up their custody rights. Moreover, that this happens absent of a court order. She also argues that mothers spend more time with their children and thus, have a closer bond.
Uh, no. This is false.
In my previous post, the statistics I cited were from Stats Canada (2000) in that a high number of court ordered custody arrangements were in favour of the mother. The 2014 sampled suggested it was equally divided between court ordered and out of court.
Regardless, as I blogged in that same article the reason men give up custody has to do with many external factors. Such as, finances, stereotypical perceptions, stress, lengthy litigation or the threat of it. Let’s not forget issues such as, false allegations of domestic violence and parental alienation.
If Ms. Myers has been a Divorce Coach for 14 years, have all her clients been “deadbeat dads”? I am sure many who work within the industry would suggest otherwise. For example, The Telegraph reported, Are divorced dads really treated fairly by the family courts?[2] The author Glenn Poole responded to a study that found no discrimination existed against men in family court by commenting:
I was shocked, because when you repeatedly see discrimination against dads with your own eyes, it can be baffling when professionals claim it doesn’t exist. And then I’m not surprised, because the gender political world of family breakdown has long produced an endless list of “experts” who claim that the courts don’t discriminate against separated dads.[3]
A lawyer in the United States commented, that sexism is, “prevalent in our courts, even if it’s unintentional and we see it most often negatively impacting men in child custody arrangements and alimony awards.”[4]
Another family lawyer in Toronto, back in 1999 said, “I maintain that "gender bias" is indeed a reality in Canada's courts.”[5] An organization in the United States, called the National Parent Organization reported, Studies Show Judicial Bias Against Dads. [6]
During the months of February and March the National Post as reported by Christie Blatchford provided a number of articles featuring stories from fathers. For some the stories would be astonishing. Unfortunately, for those in the industry they are not.
Are you looking for a family law lawyer in Burlington or Oakville? Call my office.
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[1] Dispelling The Myth Of Gender Bias In The Family Court System
[2] Are divorced dads really treated fairly by the family courts?
[3] Are divorced dads really treated fairly by the family courts?
Do Our Family Courts Practice Institutional Sexism Towards Men?
[5] Gender Bias in the Family Courts of Canada: Fact or Fantasy?
[6] An organization in the United States, called the National Parent Organization reported, Studies Show Judicial Bias Against Dads

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