Personal Injury FAQ

Frequently asked personal injury questions:

Below is a list of some frequently asked questions about personal injury cases. Remember if you have been injured consult with a personal injury lawyer immediately. Any of the information on this website is not intended to be legal advice, it is only commentary.

What should I do if I am involved in a car accident?

Ensure you are safe, request medical assistance if necessary. Exchange information with the other driver and determine if there are any witnesses.

Do I have a personal injury case if I was on a public bus?

Depending on the factors you may be eligible to pursue a claim for benefits and pain and suffering.

What if I was a pedestrian at the time of the car accident?

If you are a pedestrian or a passenger in a car that is involved in a car accident, depending on the factors you may be eligible for benefits and pain and suffering.

I have been injured by a slip and fall what should I do?

Slip and falls are case specific, meaning each slip and fall is different. Ensure you document the accident accurately. Remember stores often have surveillance this means your version of events is important and will be challenged later. Of course, seek medical attention.

What if I don`t have insurance or the person that hit me doesn’t?

Only a qualified personal injury lawyer can provide advice to car accident victims who don`t have insurance. In Ontario you may still be eligible to pursue a claim for accident benefits and pain and suffering.

Why should I choose a lawyer versus another type of representative?

A lawyer is able to provide thorough and accurate advice about the steps to take when involved in a car accident, slip and fall, dog bite or any other type of injury case. Lawyers are able to represent you at all levels of court in any jurisdiction in their province. Always consult with a personal injury lawyer first, before anything else.

I know of someone who says they are not a lawyer but they can guarantee me lots of money?

Be cautious of people who are unlicensed and seem to offer false promises of large amounts of cash.

I know of someone who received lots of money for their car accident, will I receive the same amount?

This is a very tricky question, each personal injury case depends on the injuries you have sustained, your ability to return to your normal life and the severity of the impact. This is applicable in all personal injury cases. What someone else received might not necessarily be the same as you.

Why should I choose you versus another personal injury lawyer?

I have had a number of years of experience in the area of personal injury. I was also the lawyer for the insurance company and defended numerous injury claims for car accidents, slip and falls and product liability.

Why does it take so long to settle a personal injury case?

Be patient and remember this is not a lottery. Your right to compensation is based on law, you are responsible for ensuring you mitigate your damages. Injury cases take time, because lawyers want to assess the physical injuries and what possible future injuries could arise. There are many steps to satisfy in a personal injury action. Finally, if the matter proceeds to the court stage we are then obligated to follow the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure that govern how lawsuits are commenced in Ontario.

Personal Injury Product Liability

What is product liability?

If you have consumed a food product that has caused you to become ill or was contaminated with a foreign object, you should speak to a qualified medical physician and then obtain legal advice from an experienced personal injury lawyer to see if you have a potential product liability case.

Product liability cases also arise in the context where an individual has used a product that has caused them an injury.

For example, a little while back I blogged about problems Apple was having with some of its products.

If you think you have a potential product liability case call the law office of Rehan Khalil, a Mississauga lawyer.

Personal Injury Claim Process

How a personal injury claim is processed depends on a variety of reasons. First, the company, organization or individual you are making the claim for injuries against must be notified. Second, the matter is then referred to that entities insurance company.

Individual insurance companies vary in terms of their response to a claim.

The process is very complicated and lengthy. This is why it`s always important to meet with a personal injury lawyer who is experienced.

The more experience a personal injury lawyer has the better result for the client. If you have been injured and need a personal injury lawyer, call the law office of Rehan Khalil, a Mississauga personal injury lawyer.

How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

For personal injury cases I often get asked the question, how much is my case worth? Each case depends on a number of factors. For example, the extent of your injuries and how the accident occurred. Was this a car accident or was it a slip and fall.

The first time you walk in the door of a personal injury lawyer it`s impossible to provide actual numbers because at that point nobody knows how much the case is worth. Therefore, we don`t know how much of a cash settlement you are entitled to.

We determine the value of your case as the file proceeds. This is why it`s important to consult with a personal injury lawyer.

If you have become injured call the law office of Rehan Khalil today, a Mississauga lawyer.

Personal Injury Lawyers Versus Non-Personal Injury

Personal injury law is a complicated area of law that not every lawyer is familiar with. Typically, when people get into car accidents they end up contacting a lawyer who is familiar to them because of past dealings.

For example, this lawyer might have completed their real estate deal or helped with their divorce. It is important to speak with an actual personal injury lawyer. A lawyer who is experienced in personal injury is the most qualified individual to provide advice.

A personal injury lawyer is also the one who can assess your case.

If you have been involved in a car accident or slip and fall call the law office of Rehan Khalil today, a Mississauga lawyer.

Car Accident Insurance Changes

Car insurance in Ontario changed dramatically yesterday. While most people were out enjoying themselves or returning from vacation the last thing on their mind is car insurance.

The new changes have serious ramifications for those involved in car accidents. For sometime now personal injury lawyers in Ontario have been arguing for a better approach to the current system in place prior to September 1, 2010. Unfortunately, the insurance companies seem to have won this battle.

Many people are unaware that when they have been involved in a car accident, they are entitled to receive benefits from their own insurance company. These benefits are called accident benefits. They consist of income, caregiver, housekeeping to name but a few. Under the new regime, the type of insurance coverage you purchase, to protect you in the event of a car accident will reflect the benefits you receive. In sum, if you pay more you get more, if you pay less you get less.

This will have dire consequences for those involved in car accidents.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident, call the law office of Rehan Khalil, a Mississauga lawyer.

Car Accident Lawyers

One of the most common questions that personal injury lawyers hear from victims injured in motor vehicle accidents is what`s the difference between a personal injury lawyer versus an accident representative?

A personal injury lawyer is considerably more experienced and familiar with the applicable law around car accidents. This experience helps victims in obtaining the best possible cash settlement from the insurance company. Personal injury lawyers are also able to handle the entire case from start to finish including having to attend court.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident call the law office of Rehan Khalil, a Mississauga lawyer.

Accidents In The Summer

Accidents and injuries can happen at any time. Warm weather means more parties, where people are often drinking. The Toronto Star reported today, Summer, kids and the parties on the beach, and described a tragic accident involving a 17 year old who was involved in a motor vehicle accident, when he was struck by a bus and killed.

Aside, from motor vehicle accidents many other issues can arise when young people decide to engage in unsupervised partying. Fights can break out, slip and falls can occur and other accidents.

If you`re a parent ensure your teenager is aware of the dangers of unsupervised partying. If they become hurt on the property of someone else, that individual can be liable according to Ontario law.

If you or a loved one has become injured by either a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, assault and battery call the law office of Rehan Khalil, a Mississauga lawyer.

Unsafe Water

A Toronto Star investigation revealed that many of our public water fountains have unsafe water. Unsafe water fountains have the potential to carry, "harmful pathogens that could live on fountain and cooler spouts including e-coli and legionella."

If you think you have a product liability case and need a lawyer call the law office of Rehan Khalil, a Mississauga lawyer.


Be aware of food safety, e-coli and salmonella. As the summer draws to a close county fairs and exhibitions are opening up as they do every year. As consumers you should be cautious when out having fun. Ensure you apply safe practices for when visiting petting zoos and eating at carnivals and fairs.

County fairs, carnivals and exhibitions are great fun but often there is little to verify that vendors are complying with food and safety guidelines. Many vendors employ temporary young people to manage their shops and serve food. These young people are inexperienced and dealing with high volume crowds.

I reported on a number of e-coli outbreaks in the United States last year.

If you or a loved one has become ill by the consumption of an unsafe product call the law office of Rehan Khalil, a Mississauga lawyer.